Monday, September 29, 2014

Do Now 9/29

     An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper's opinion on an issue. Wikipedia, teachers say is a bad source for any research or any facts. The truth is 9 times out of 10 Wikipedia provides the right info for any research you need to get. Teachers claim the people who edit the articles or topics provide the wrong info. 
       Teachers do not let us use Wikipedia for any project or a source for a paper. We can use it at home if we need to look up a quick fact. I think teachers should allow us to use it now knowing that 500 classes have contributed to the info in some of Wikipedia's topics. Wikipedia is a great source and provides quick; reliable info with the click of a button. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

tech article 9/25/14

Iphone 6 Bending and 10 Other Apple Glitches

Since the 2 new iphones have been released there have been a number of reported issues. The iphone 6 plus is said to have bent in peoples pockets. Also the new ios update that came out wednesday evening had many bugs which messed up peoples phones and they had to go back to ios 8. The iphone 6 bending issue should be fixed in the next generation iphone 6 plus.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting

        Biology Class
  Mr. Maniscalco is my Biology teacher this year for 9th grade. Mr. Man is a cool teacher who knows everything there is to know about science. When I first started his class, I wanted to know more about science in general,  more about biology since I have never had the class before. I also wanted to do more experiments then I have previously done before.

Grading Policy
Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Medical Terminology

Grading Procedures: Quarterly Grades:

1. All assignments are given percentage values:

a. Tests - 40 percent

b. Quizzes - 15 percent

c. Projects - 25 percent

d. Homework and Class Participation - 10 percent

e. Informal Assessments – 10 percent

2. To calculate your average for the quarter, average your total accumulated number grades and divide by the total possible points (this will always be available, and you can calculate your "running" average as you go through the quarter). Then, multiply by above percentage and add all categories together:

3. Letter Grades are as follows (all grades rounded to the nearest whole number):

A+ = 98% - 100% C+ = 78%-79%

A = 93% - 97% C = 73%-77%

A- = 90%-92% C- = 70% - 72%

B+ = 88%-89% D = 65% - 69%

B = 83%-87% F = < 64%

B- = 80%-82%

Why I like the class

I like the class because Mr. Man is a fun teacher and likes to crack jokes. Even though he is funny, he still teaches the class in a way that is easy to understand. Also in his class we will do many experiments like looking through a microscope to look at bacteria in water. His class should be fun and we should learn a lot this year.  
Tech in the class

In the class we use microscopes and computers to to learn more about biology and its cool things about it. The microscopes show us up close images of small objects or bacteria. They provide us with info to understand what things are made up of. The computers are just to look up basic info on any topic or fact we need


Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

Educational Technology and Copyright Law                

          Everybody has 4 rights for copyright. Some include showing the copyright publicly and distributing copies to the public for sale. Copying and printing pictures for education or for personal use are legal. Licensed images are good for projects for school when searching on the internet for them.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

New 2017 Cadillac

2017 Cadillacs to Feature Hands-Free Driving, V2V Technology

  • The New 2017 Cadillac's will feature hands free driving and and not having to have your foot on the gas
  • The new system will be called "Super Cruise" which will go up to 70 mph on highways and you don't need to steer 
  • If there is congested traffic the car will alert you to shut off super cruise.
  • New safety requirements will be put in place to ensure the drivers safety.